Hi, I'm Michelle from Michelle Paige.
I'm wife of AH (Awesome Husband), mother of two blogging kids,
former reading educator, now a stay-at-home crafty blogger,
Bible study leader and a volunteer crazy person!
My blog is full of crafts, parties, recipes, decorating,
shopping trips, kid ideas and a little bit of my everyday life.
Today I'm whipping up some
Delicious Mini Pies.
I hope you'll join me.
I only blog quick, simple and delicious recipes.
You won't believe how fast this one is!
Get out your cookie cutters!

I'm wife of AH (Awesome Husband), mother of two blogging kids,
former reading educator, now a stay-at-home crafty blogger,
Bible study leader and a volunteer crazy person!
My blog is full of crafts, parties, recipes, decorating,
shopping trips, kid ideas and a little bit of my everyday life.
Today I'm whipping up some
Delicious Mini Pies.
I hope you'll join me.
I only blog quick, simple and delicious recipes.
You won't believe how fast this one is!
Get out your cookie cutters!

-Pie crust
Pie crust is found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.
(Usually by the cookie dough.)
{You COULD make your own pie crust, but I don't have that kind of time or patience!
Plus, my pie crust never turns out that great.}
-Pie crust
Pie crust is found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.
(Usually by the cookie dough.)
{You COULD make your own pie crust, but I don't have that kind of time or patience!
Plus, my pie crust never turns out that great.}
-You'll also need a can of cherry pie filling (or applesauce)
-a tiny bit of melted butter and a
-sprinkle or two of sugar (and/or cinnamon)
That's it!
-a tiny bit of melted butter and a
-sprinkle or two of sugar (and/or cinnamon)
That's it!
Unroll the pie crust and cut out the stars using the cookie cutters.
Place the stars on a greased cookie sheet.
Spoon on a teaspoon or two of the cherry pie filling,
Place another pie crust star on top.
Using a fork, press down the seams along the edges of the star.
Repeat these steps with the rest of the dough.
Place the stars on a greased cookie sheet.
Spoon on a teaspoon or two of the cherry pie filling,
Place another pie crust star on top.
Using a fork, press down the seams along the edges of the star.
Repeat these steps with the rest of the dough.
Bake for about 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees.
I brushed mine with butter and sprinkled on a bit of sugar.
I originally planned to serve these mini star pies at my mother-in-law's
Beachy Starfish Party, but completely ran out of time. (That always happens!)
I ended up making them for my in-laws a few days after the party,
and they LOVED them!
Originally seen on Pinterest, these star pies were inspired from this site.
I also made a batch with an apple cookie cutter
and filled the pies with applesauce.
I sprinkled the 'apple' pies with cinnamon and sugar.
AH (Awesome Husband) thinks they taste better than McDonald's pies.
My kids devoured them!
(Wouldn't that be fun?)
Mom Is Blogging...So Are We!
Beachy Starfish Party, but completely ran out of time. (That always happens!)
I ended up making them for my in-laws a few days after the party,
and they LOVED them!
Originally seen on Pinterest, these star pies were inspired from this site.
I also made a batch with an apple cookie cutter
and filled the pies with applesauce.
I sprinkled the 'apple' pies with cinnamon and sugar.
AH (Awesome Husband) thinks they taste better than McDonald's pies.
My kids devoured them!
(Wouldn't that be fun?)
I'd love you to stop by Michelle Paige to see what else I'm up to...
Recently my kids started their own blog called:Mom Is Blogging...So Are We!
(They think they're so funny! Actually, I'm pretty proud of them.)
Thanks for letting me share with your readers, Kate!