Hi there and welcome to Friday Funnies #4! I've gotten some great response the past few weeks and can't wait to share some more smiles!
If you'd like to contribute to future Friday Funnies, feel free to email something funny to me with a link to the original source: acreativecookie AT gmail DOT com
Read on!

That's all folks!
But before I go... raise your hand if you laughed at Thor's photo! I know I did!
Have a fantabulous Friday! xo. kate
My entry into The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality sponsored by Appliances Online and their best Range Cookers.



That's all folks!
But before I go... raise your hand if you laughed at Thor's photo! I know I did!
Have a fantabulous Friday! xo. kate
My entry into The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality sponsored by Appliances Online and their best Range Cookers.