Oct 23, 2012

my sponsors can beat up your sponsors.

It's totally true! I have some pretty awesome sponsors. I'll let them introduce themselves to you... :)

"Hi, I'm Mia from The Chronicles of Chaos!
I love Coke (NOT Pepsi!), Stephen King, coffee, spicy food, and Justin Bieber (what?! Don't judge!).
I'm 29, I have a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful sons (ages 4 and 1), an energetic black Lab, and a full-time job. Needless to say, chaos reigns supreme in our household! I hope you'll stop by the blog and read about our crazy lives!"
Mia is also part of a giveaway here and is sponsoring a giveaway right here on A Creative Cookie! Once you're done entering, be sure to check out her favorite post!

 "My name is Katlyn and I am the writer behind The Dreamy Meadow. It is a blog about my life and the things that truly inspire me to be the best that I can be. I am a mother to one little human baby and 3 fur-sies! I also have an amazing husband who happen to be in the United States Navy. I am sort of a mommy blogger, but tend to turn it down a little bit and 'escape' from my world a bit through my virtual little land.  
There are also some things on my blog that might interest you lovelies! I have teamed up with Paige from Eloping Stethoscope to bring you two projects! The first being a Shop Contest for all you online store owners! The second is a Blogger Secret Santa Swap! I am also hosting a fun little Nail Polish Swap in November, so keep your eyes peeled for that! :)"
Katlyn also has a lovely shop, so be sure to go take a look around there, then check out her blog!
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"Hello, I'm Ang and I blog over at Juggling Act Mama and love sharing recipes, DIY projects, and fun activities for the kiddos.  I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we both work full time outside the home.  We have two children, Ethan, 4-1/2, and Olivia, 18- months. I hope you'll come visit me to check out some of my favorite posts, like DIY Gardener's ScrubPopsicle Stick Puzzles or enter my latest Giveaway!"
Be sure to check out Ang's blog and then visit her Favorite Fall Recipes!