Oct 24, 2012

it's my blogiversary! part 1

I can't believe it's been a full year since I started this blog. When I started A Creative Cookie, I never thought I would have met so many wonderful friends! I was completely clueless to the blogging community and had no idea how many fabulous ladies were out there.

For my blogiversary, I wanted to do something different. I know several blogs celebrate with giveaways galore (psst, giveaway coming soon!), but today I wanted to share with you three ladies who mean so much to me. They have been so kind, supportive, helpful, and just plain fabulous!

Christine is one of the most important ladies in my blogging journey. She is one of the first people who really reached out to me, helped me, gave me tips... she was a lifesaver! She is just the sweetest person, and is always there to help anyone out. You rock, Christine!
"I met Kate almost a year ago, via linky parties.  She creates the most beautiful things, I was (I am) in AWWW of everything she touches.  One of my favorite creations of hers are the Sock Bunnies she made.  They are just oh so cute!!!  Kate is KIND, CARING and truly someone you can count on ANYTIME!!  You are AMAZING Kate!!  HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!  xoxo"
-Christine from The D.I.Y. Dreamer

My best friend (yes, in real life!), Sarah, is awesome. We help each other out all the time with our blogs, and she is so supportive. She posts the best roundups, and is just the funniest girl ever. Sarah has a shop where she sells custom blog design here and is going places with it, lemme tell ya! :) Thanks so much, Sarah, for always being there for me!
All Things Blogs
"Kate has always been the awesomest bloggy buddy!
She inspired me to create my blog, and has helped me so much!  I wouldn't have a blog today if she hadn't helped me so much! We have been friends forever!  
I am so happy for Kate to have her happy one year!"
-Sarah from All Things Blogs

I met Katlyn a long time ago when I won an adorable pin from her shop. But we didn't truly "meet" until I saw a tweet about a chat bar on her blog. It was so fun, and we had great weekly chats! :) Katlyn is an awesome friend and is so amazing at everything she does. <3 you!

"Wow, what to say about Kate? Well we met a while back actually. I think the first time we talked was because of a giveaway that I had donated a prize to from my shop. It then developed to talking on my chat bar and being part of unique support team that only bloggers know. She is one of my favorite bloggy friends and I sure am glad I met her! :) You should get to know her, she's great! ♥" -Katlyn from The Dreamy Meadow


We all started at the very beginning. We had an idea, an inspiration to share a piece of us with the world. But where would we be without those helpful bloggers who have done so much for us?

I hope that you will help me give back to these bloggers as they have given so much to me. I encourage you to just check out their blogs, ask them if they need help, follow them, or simply say hi!

If you are reading this right now, that means you are FAB too! It's because of all you lovely ladies who inspire me and make blogging a special thing.
Hugs all around! <3
xo. Kate
(ps - check back tomorrow! You could win some goodies ;))