Jun 1, 2012

Photos: challenge part 2

Remember part 1? Well there's a part 2!

Last month I participated in Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day May! Here are my photos...

Day 18: something you made
{does cereal count? lol}

Day 19: a favorite place
{passenger seat. Place to take a nap without concentrating on driving :)}

Day 20: something you can't live without
{who could live without buttons?}

Day 21: where you stand
{tiny feet = fit into kids shoes!}

Day 22: pink

Day 23: technology
Missed! This was a busy, busy week for me!

Day 24: something new
Missed! This was a busy, busy week for me!

Day 25: unusual
Missed! This was a busy, busy week for me!

Day 26: 12 o'clock
Missed! I swear I tried to stay up until midnight but I fell asleep at 11:45... As I said, it was a busy week!

Day 27: something sweet
{Happy birthday, Dad! Luv you!}

Day 28: the weather today
Okay, I admit that I forgot to take a photo! Missed! :(

Day 29: a number

Day 30: your personality
{I'm very nerdy sometimes ;)}

Day 31: something beautiful
{this was a completely un-expected photo. It was almost nighttime and I needed the last photo, and it truly did turn out beautiful. God's creations are amazing}

There you have it! I had such a fun time doing this challenge, and it sure was challenging!
Fat Mum Slim hosts a new challenge every month, so grab your camera and start today! :)
xo Kate