Feb 5, 2012

Valentine Cookie Photo Shoot + Photography Tips

The other day I had fun listening to 80's music and decorating Valentine heart-shaped cookies!

I had some fun doing my first cookie-shoot (I guess you could call it).
I wanted to share how I did my photos, and also how I decorated these yummy cookies!
I'm pretty sure I have a craft disorder. Every time i'm given something (like a cookie for example!), 
I always have to make it as perfect and creative as I can. I always end up taking much longer than I intend, placing little heart sprinkles on the edge of my cookie. Looks adorable. Takes forever.
Now, this cookie I 'designed' for when I feel less-sugary (if that's possible). Since I really wasn't getting fancy with these cookies, I made some sloppy-ish stripes with a butter knife. It is possible.

I just LOVE it when people mix in blue with V-Day. It looks adorable.

Now let me stop talking about my amazing decorating skills :P

Time to get on with the shoot!
 I had to have something in the background to tie everything in, but a tall glass of milk really wouldn't work.
The sprinkles in the back are so fun!
 Another technique I like to use is all different angles. Take photos from above.
Plus, if the table's messy, it cuts out junk.
When I edited my photos (just using windows photo edit tool on my computer), I increased the 'brightness' almost to the brightest and then balanced it out with lowering the 'highlights' to the bottom. Then I increased the contrast. I pretty much did this for every photo.
Just a fun thing I noticed - I never make anything straight. Everything's askew. Even the sprinkles aren't lined up right. I think it adds interest. What do you think?
 Just a different angle. Fun.
This angle of the cookie was kind of an experiment. I originally intended it so you could get an interesting angle on the edge of the cookie. It worked out fine with the other cookie and sprinkles in the back.