Feb 6, 2012

Pom Pom Party Series Part 3 - Pom Pom Earrings

And now for the third part of the Pom Pom Party Series!!!
Pom Pom Earrings!
I know, I know - I took FOREVER to get this post up. Sorry about that.

Ok, now lets get on to the tutorial. You will need:

Two pom poms of the same size + color (unless you want to go a little crazy with mis-matching earrings)
needle + thread
earring hooks

 Start by threading your pom pom. Once you come through, go back and make a loop

Now pull the thread from the other side of the pom pom and pull the loop in.
It will be hidden in the center of your pom pom, out of site.

Ok, since it's near Valentine's Day and all, I felt I HAD to take a picture of the shape the thread had made 
and share it with you. Totally unnecessary, but whatever. 
 Cut the thread that's left, long enough to tie a knot with it.

 Now slip one strand of the thread through the loop on the bottom of the earring hook...
 ...And knot! Trim off the excess thread and your DONE!

 Now go and make a ton of them, like I did!!!

If you missed the previous parts of the series, here they are:

 inspire. create.