Dec 23, 2013

Wire Love Ornament

If you are like me and still getting/making gifts, today is your lucky day! You can make this ornament today in 20 minutes. Plus, you can personalize it with any message you want! (please excuse the lighting in the photos! I made this at night so there was no natural light left :\ )
You'll need the following: embroidery thread, thick wire (I can't remember the exact size but make sure it's easily bendable), sharp scissors or wire cutters, wire pliers, and a hot glue gun.
Start by making your base. I chose the word "love," but you could do anything - it doesn't even have to be a word. Try a heart or a star, maybe!
Once you're done shaping, now you can begin wrapping. Cut a long piece of embroidery thread (if you run out, you can always cut another piece and glue it where the last piece ended). Put a dot of hot glue at the beginning of your word/shape and begin wrapping your thread around the wire. There will be difficult places, like my "O." I had to do the bottom portion of it then come back later with a separate piece for the top half.
Once you're done wrapping, cut another piece of thread and loop it around the middle area of your word/shape. Mine was a little unbalanced, because the left side was heavier. I don't mind at all though. It helps if you make a knot on the wire (see picture below). If you do mind, you could attach clear string to each side so it stays straight.
And that's it! This project took me about 20-30 minutes, so curl up with Frosty the Snowman or another Christmas classic and you'll have a great decoration or last-minute-gift in no time.