Jul 31, 2013

Homemade Cotton Candy

This week I was able to make my own cotton candy. At home! I never really thought that could happen. I can't wait to make some for my next party (or to bring to another party. Everyone would love that).
The LA Shop sent me this cheap and easy-to-use cotton candy maker. It works great! I will have to say that the directions were a bit confusing to follow, but other than that the process was easy peasy. It came with it's own sugars in seven flavors. I tried the blue-raspberry one and it was delicious.
I had never heard of The LA Shop before but now that I've browsed through their site, I've found that they have many unique and random products. One of my favorites is their photography equipment. They have everything a professional photographer would have. They also have a ton of gardening equipment, which is on sale right now (yippee!)
I'll definitely be making more cotton candy soon. It would be seriously soooo cute if I made mini cotton candy on lollipop sticks, don't you think?

This post is in collaboration with TheLAShop.com. All opinions are 100% mine.