Apr 23, 2013

DIY Blog Organizer

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts... Right now is a craaazy time for me. I have so many ideas spinning around in my head, I don't know where to start! Today I wanted to share my blog organizer. It's a simple 3-ring binder that keeps track of all of my post schedules, DIY ideas, and inspiration! Here's a peek inside to find out how to make your own!
The first page(s) is a calendar to plan posts and write out deadlines. I made this mid-way through April, so there's hardly anything in it yet. Each month, print out this page and fill in the month and the numbers for each day (check a real calendar or find one online). There's also a space at the bottom for notes.
In the middle is my "inspiration" part. I cut out pages from magazines and slipped them into clear sleeves. Some of them are just photos, some are articles - whatever floats your boat!
Near the back is my "brainstorming" section. I have pages (above) that are labeled with different categories, and sticky notes to illustrate my ideas.
Right behind the "brainstorming" section, I have a clear pocket that has a pen in it, a ruler (came with the binder), and a big sticky note pad. I actually got mine as a prize at an adult's arcade called Dave and Buster's (cool, right?), but you can easily make your own by gluing sticky note pads to a thick piece of cardstock.
Download the calendar here
Download the cover here
Do you use a planner? What have you found works best for you?