Feb 5, 2013

10 Things I Can't Live Without

Let's jump right in to ten things I can't live without...
Zoe. Have you met my dog? Her name is Zoe and she is about nine years old. She's a chihuahua-dachshund mix (a.k.a. a Chiweenie) and hates being picked up. BUT, I couldn't live without her (she's my baby).
 My Laptop. I can't really imagine quitting blogging. It has been such a big part of my life now that It's always on my mind. Needless to say, I would hate to lose connection with the blogging community. =)
Chocolate. 'Nuff said

Disney movies. The best thing to watch when you're sick.
My Camera. I love practicing photography and capturing sweet memories. I'm hoping I can upgrade to a DSLR soon.

Pizza. I could eat pizza every day of my life if I had to.
Sunsets. Arizona's are especially pretty.

Target. #1 on my Favorite Places to Shop list.
Music. I love making it and I love listening to it. I sing when I'm happy, sad, angry, etc. and it definitely helps.

And last but not least,
Love. Because who can live without it?

Psst... I'm linking this post up here.
What's something you can't live without?