Jan 8, 2013

Art Challenge So Far...

Day 1. Weather
Day 2. Reflection (please excuse my terrible eye-drawing skills)
Day 3. Food (practicing line-shading for the first time)
 Day 4. Winter (snowman doodle, of course. First snowman I've made this winter!)
 Day 5. Flower
 Day 6. Fire (I tried drawing a bonfire but couldn't. Who knew it was so hard? And actually, maybe I'll use this photo for my third blogiversary ;))
Day 7. Technology (cell phone doodle)
What I love about this challenge is that it doesn't have to be anything fancy or really phenomenal. It makes it really easy and simple when it needs to be, but can be challenging when you have the time.
It's not too late to start! Check out this post for all the info.
Oh, and have you seen these amazing photoshoots done by my sponsor, Canary Lane Photography? They've done a shoot with me before, and let me tell you, they're great to work with! Our family photos turned out beautiful. Check their fb page out here.

What have you been up to lately?