Dec 12, 2012

i'm baaack!

I've missed you guys! I took an accidental break from blogging the past two weeks. Life has just been so crazy. My room is a disaster - I've been coming home late, dropping everything on the ground, and jumping into bed. Ahhh....

So today I thought I'd share some of the things I've been up to.
Starting with...
My shop! This is just a little sneak peek... I've yet to actually add real-life products to it, but I have the graphic design part almost done! It will be opened up in January (hopefully) and I am so, so excited!
Took a trip to a blacksmith's place... he whipped out neat stuff in seconds!
A fun, sparkly Christmas garland I made... it's sooo easy and only costs $7! Tutorial coming soon :)

What have you been up to lately?
xo Kate