Oct 14, 2012


(Nighttime posts, the best kind!)

I just thought I'd share with you what I've been up to this week.

I went thrift shopping today at Savers and Goodwill. There are some really nice ones up in Avondale, and I cannot tell you how many things I tried on. At the end of the day, I walked away with three new shirts that I absolutely love.

I got up this morning for a lovely photo shoot. It was so fun and I haven't had one in a looong time.

I have been super stressed out with blogging, designing, etc. lately. There just always seems to be one more button to make or a few more emails to send. I think I just need to get away from it all for a little bit. But I can't, because I *still* have emails to send for my blogaversary. Maybe I'll actually be able to make the celebration happen the month of the blogaversary. We'll see...

I know people say that every post should have at least one photo in it. I wasn't really going to, because I am absolutely exhausted and I need to hit the hay. But here's a photo I grabbed from Pinterest:

LOVE these fall colors. They are so gorgeous. I wish we had glorious trees like that here. Sadly, all of our trees are still the same desert green.
My pillow is calling to me, so good night all! <3
xo. Kate