Oct 1, 2012

advertise with me for october.

This month I have changed up the advertising. I won't be holding group giveaways. I feel they take up too much time organizing everything and contacting winners and frankly, it's a lot of work. 

But, this time, instead of promoting my sponsors through giveaways, I will be promoting them through shout outs on my blog, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as pinning their latest posts to Pinterest. I really want to make sure my sponsors have a great experience sponsoring my blog. I've also lowered the prices of my ads.

So I would LOVE to have you as a sponsor this month! Please visit my advertising page if you are interested. (Psst - this month is my first blogaversary and I hope to drive lots of traffic to my site. Some fun things may be happening! ;))

Thanks so much for being awesome! What makes you awesome? Reading this blog, silly.
:) xo. Kate