Sep 24, 2012

practice makes perfect. free blog design.

With the soon-to-come opening of my new shop (selling blog design, accessories, and more), I really need to get my act together and figure out how things are going to work!

I am still working out all the details, with waiting lists, forms, payment... and I need a little practice!

Starting today, I will be offering free blog design to the first ten people that sign up!

Before you go bouncing of walls with excitement (haha.), please read this whole post before signing up so you know how it's all planned out :)
Also, you can check out my (growing) portfolio.

Okay, here's how this is going to work:
1. You sign up via the form below

2. You choose one of the A La Carte options available (header, button, signature, and much more)

3. Your name will get added to the waiting list

4. Once you are at the top of the waiting list (shouldn't take too long to get up there), I will email you

5. We'll chat and I'll send you your first sample button/header/whatever you asked for, a few days (or more) later

6. You tell me your thoughts, and you can either take that one, or give me more suggestions and I'll create a new one. You will get three re-do's of the original sample I gave you. If you use all of them, you can choose from any of the designs I've made you.

7. Once you're happy with your design, I will log in your account and install it for you, or I can give you the files and/or html and you can do it yourself.

8. You and your readers enjoy your new design!

I will only be installing the designs for blogs hosted on Blogger. If you use a different platform, I would still love to design for you, but I'll send you the design files and/or html to insert.

Please sign up with the form below if you're interested. Also, please be serious about this. I would hate to waste time and effort and have a client walk away.
I look forward to working with you! xo. Kate
All the spots are filled! Thanks everyone! I might be doing this again soon. Please let me know if there are still people who are looking for design elements. If I get a lot of response I'll either have more free design or a big sale!