Sep 8, 2012

Bloggy Hop

Hi friends!
Welcome to the Google+ Blog Hop!  We want to encourage you to use Google+ to help your blog and/or business grow.  This blog hop is designed for YOU to meet new g+ friends, increase the exposure of your blog/business and allow you to "fill your circles" which is definitely something I need to do!
Here are some links to refresh your memory on how to set up and optimize your g+ profile page so that you will benefit from this blog hop.
To join this g+ blog hop, link up your Google+ profile page URL (NOT your blog's homepage).  For the "name" section, use your name or your blog's/website's name.  Use your personal photo or your blog's/website's button/logo for the thumbnail picture.  
Important note:  If you have problems linking up your profile page, try linking the "about" section of your profile page instead of the "posts" section.  Also, problems loading a thumbnail picture usually can be solved by loading the picture directly from your computer instead of your g+ page. 

 This blog hop is shared by 6 blogs - 6x the fun!  You can link your g+ profile page at any of the blogs listed below:

The Taylor House

-Please follow all the hosts of this bloggy hop (add them to your circles). You can find their g+ pages at the top of the linky list.
-Please do not link up your blog's url - Google+ pages only! If you don't have one you can make one here.
-After linking up, visit some other links and leave a little love by adding them to your circles!

That's it for now. Happy linking!
(Psst - I'm out of town right now so if you try to contact me, I won't be able to reply for a few days. Sorry!)
Okay, now stop reading and start linking!