Aug 15, 2012

Blog Angels

Something I haven't told you this month is that i'm participating in being a Blog Angel!
Being a blog angel means that you are assigned to one blog where you help them with anything they need. You can also follow them, comment often, and even send some snail mail! The point of it is to do it secretly. It's actually pretty hard to do things without being suspicious! I also have a blog angel, who is assigned to my own blog. I am so anxious to find out who it is.

It's now halfway through the month, and halfway through the program. Here are my thoughts...

I've found that being a blog angel is difficult, actually. I do the basics - following along and commenting - but it's hard to offer more when it's secret and you don't want to give yourself away. I keep thinking that she'll find out who I am!

It's been a great experience and it's fun to check out the others in the link up! I just get all excited and anxious inside wondering which of all of these FABULOUS ladies could be my blog angel.

I can't wait until the reveal at the end! You'll see my reveal around here in a few weeks or so. :)

Oh and if you're my blog angel and you're reading this (I don't blame you - of course i'm stalking my own blog angel's every post ;)), thanks for being fabulous! You are doing a fantastic job being secret because I don't have any idea who it is! Haha I'll be watching ;)

Happy rest of your Wednesday! xo. Kate