Aug 14, 2012

August Group Giveaway

Hi beauties!
It's time for the August giveaway! Check out what you could win from my lovely sponsors:
200x200 ad space from The Ease of Freeze
Personalized Blog Planner PDF printable from Confessions of a PinAholic
blog // twitter // facebook // pinterest

$25 to Sephora from Hairspray and High Heels
blog // twitter // facebook // pinterest

How awesome is all this?! Totally rad, am I right?

**Because two of these prizes require the winner to have a blog, I've made three rafflecopter giveaways. Be sure to enter the first two ONLY if you own a blog!
And everyone can enter for the giftcard! I'm doing this to make it easier so I don't pick a winner who doesn't have a blog/shop and have to pick a new winner.**

Go ahead and enter! Good luck!

Giveaway #1 - Free ad space
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2 - Printable blog planner
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #3 - $25 Sephora Giftcard
a Rafflecopter giveaway