Jun 13, 2012

What Summer means...

As you read this I am probably on a ferry to Victoria. I can't wait to come back and show you my photos!
If you don't know, I'm on a trip right now. Read more about it here.


What Summer means to me...

...Longer hours to craft...

...The heat of Arizona...


...My birthday...


...Lots of bugs...

...Vacation time...

...More bugs and Crickets...


I asked a few of my lovely FB fans what Summer means to them, and here's what they said:

"Lots of heat, ice cream and popsicles, my kid's birthdays..."
-Shasta @ In the Old Road

"I think of the sun, and fun with family who are teacher and only have free time in the summer ;)"
-Stephanie @ Life Created

"Summer means I can leave the house open, listen to the birds all day long, a sweet breeze gently moving through the house of grass being cut, I love that smell, the sounds of kids outside playing and swimming, not having to be all bundled up clothes wise... barbecue's on the grill and I can walk around outside in my bare feet... and lightening bugs at night... Summer is a magical time... ♥"
-Carri @ Simply Done Wright

What does Summer mean to you?
xo Kate