Jun 27, 2012

June Group Giveaway!

It's time for the June group giveaway!
Check out the amazing prizes you could win!

There will be FIVE winners of this giveaway, one for each prize! That's 5 times the chance to win!
What are you waiting for? Go enter!

blog // shop // twitter // facebook // pinterest

blog // facebook // twitter // instagram

Shipping is to U.S. AND Canada! Yay!
One winner for each prize. If you win ad space but do not own a blog, a new winner will be chosen.
Winners will be contacted by email.

Rule (yes, there's only one):
Be honest. I don't want to delete any of your entries, so please do what each entry says to do. Thank you!

Enter with Rafflecopter. Good luck!
  a Rafflecopter giveaway