May 27, 2012

May Group Giveaway!

Hooray! It is finally time for the May Group Giveaway!

One very lucky winner will win the following BLOGGING prize pack!
That means if you have a blog, you are in luck!

Let's see what you lucky ducks could win...


 $10 shop credit and large ad space from A Little Piece of Me and her lovely shop!

{shop} {blog} {facebook} {twitter} {google+} {pinterest}

220x220 one month ad space from All Things Blogs!

a 200x200 medium ad space from Becoming Fabulous!

A handmade font download (how COOL is that?!) from Shady Lane!

{blog} {facebook} {twitter} {pinterest}


Because this prize pack is all about blogging, you must have a blog to enter! I'm so sorry about that, but last time lots of the winners didn't have blogs and it made everything %100 harder on me, them, and the contributors. I hope you understand!
BUT if you don't have a blog, feel free to make one!

On to entering! Please be honest, and do what each entry says. Enter with the Rafflecopter below.
I will choose one winner shortly after the end date, June 6th. The winner will be notified below and be emailed.

Good luck!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway