May 13, 2012

Guest Post {Crafting in the Rain}

Happy Mother's Day! I hope your day is going great!
Well today I am so excited to have Steph from Crafting in the Rain (seriously, SO excited!) share with us a brilliant DIY travel case for your earrings! Here ya go...


Hey everybody!  Huge thanks to Kate for having me post on her blog.  I'm Steph and my blog is Crafting in the Rain.  Today's project is a cool little travel case for your earrings made out of baby wipes lids.  Have I piqued your interest?  Here's how you can make one too. Here's your supply list: 

2 snap-type baby wipes lids (mine are from Costco's Kirkland brand)
Window screen E6000 Mod Podge Brush Paper or Fabric Scissors 

 1--Cut piece of window screen to fit between the "bottom" parts of the two lids
2--Cut paper or fabric to cover the two lids (or "tops")  I used some scrap paper first to get the right shape, then traced it on the paper I actually wanted to use. 

3--Using Mod Podge, glue the paper down onto the lids.  Cover the paper with Mod Podge too.  Let dry.
4--Place screen on one bottom, squeeze E6000 around the edge and push the other bottom down on it.  Lay the whole thing on the table with a couple of heavy books on it until it dries completely.

5--Pick out the earrings you want for your trip and stick them through the window screen.  Secure posts with earring backs.  The number of pairs that will fit depends on their size of course.  But I think it would make a great "gift box" for earrings too.
Thanks for checking it out, and I'd love to see if you make one too!  If you liked this, be sure to stop by my blog to check out how to make earrings like the one in my case, 
as well join my Make a Splash challenges.

Thanks Steph! This is sooo amazing! 
Be sure to check out her: