May 6, 2012

Guest Post {A Baker's House}

Happy Sunday!
Today we have a {lovely} guest post from Holly @ A Baker's House.
Enjoy the yummy goodness! 

A beautiful bunch of cupcake roses!

I couldn't be happier to share this sweet bouquet of cupcake roses with you today. Thanks so much to Kate for the opportunity! I hope you'll enjoy making this as much as I did. I orignally saw the idea for a cupcake bouquet on Pinterest and knew I had to try it myself.
Mini cupcakes
Flower pot or other container
Popsicle sticks
Syrofoam base
Green tissue paper
Step 1: Bake your cupcakes and allow to cool. Poke a small hole in the base of the cupcake
with a toothpick. This is similar to pre-drilling a hole in wood. Making the small hole with
the toothpick first allows the popsicle stick to go into the cupcake with less effort.
Step 2: Put the popsicle sticks into the cupcakes. If the cupcakes seem to fall off the sticks,
just melt some chocolate and dip the sticks into the chocolate first before putting them into the cupcakes.

I didn't have that trouble with these mini cupcakes but regular-sized cupcakes might need the extra step.
Step 3: Insert your styrofoam into the base of the container. You'll need a snug fit so press it in tightly
or use some floral tape (or glue) to secure the base to the container.I added some green tissue paper
fringed to look like grass. Other options are things like parsley or Easter basket grass.
Step 4: This is the only tricky part to this process and it isn't hard to master at all! Go on, try it!
Using a star shaped icing tip, start in the middle of the cupcake.
Step 5: Continue to swirl the icing around in a circle all the way out to the edge of the cupcake.
Look how easy that was-- it's a rose!

Step 6: Keep making roses until your cupcake bouquet is full and beautiful. I used a dozen mini cupcakes in this bouquet.
Wouldn't these be sweet on a dessert table at a baby shower or wedding shower?
Or make them for Mom for Mother's Day? 
Use different colors and themes throughout the year and this will become
a favorite way for you to enjoy eating (and looking at!) cupcakes.
These are beautiful, Holly!
Don't forget to visit her and say hi! (Or check out these delish Oatmeal Fudge Bars by Holly!)