Mar 13, 2012

Guest Blogging

A Creative Cookie is now doing guest blogging!

I really would like to connect with other bloggers and have them share on my blog.

Is this you?
Guest blogging is FREE and easy to sign up.

What I ask of you:
all photos MUST be high-quality (bright, already-edited photos)

You MUST share either a craft, DIY, photography tip, blogging tip, or recipes. If it does not fall under one of those categories, please do not share it

None of your photos are over 900 pixels wide. The height is fine.

Please, please, PLEASE get it into me on time. You can email me all your post's HTML, or you can send me a document that I can copy into a post for you. 

You must share something created by YOU. If you had any inspiration, please make sure you link back to that original person's photo/idea

Please follow my blog. There are multiple ways of following - just choose one!

To sign up, please go here. You can sign up for the beginning of the month, or in the middle. Make sure you read the due date, because I will need your post by the 1st of the month you are signed up for. I will email you a few days before to remind you. :] When you sign up, I'll send you the layout for your post and more info.

You may share an old post of yours, but I'd prefer it be a new one that hasn't been published on your blog yet.

I hope to hear from you soon!!!