Mar 31, 2012

300+ Followers Giveaway!!!

Guess what?
This blog reached over 300 followers last week!
In fact, ACC has 365 followers!
Am I going crazy? This little blog is almost six months old - I could never of dreamed of something like this!

So, I must say THANK YOU! to all of you amazing ladies! All of you are the best!

If you are on my Facebook page, you might've seen an update on this giveaway. Thanks Carri, Jennifer, Heather, and all the rest who 'liked' the post! You guys made me feel special, plus, who doesn't want free stuff?

Are you anxious to know what you could win? Well, first off, you could win:
A two-month ad space right here on my blog
The ad space can only be won through giveaways, or given to those who offer giveaways on ACC.

Now, for the second part of the prize package, you could win
a craft stash box!
The photos below shows you most of the items that will be in the box:
pom poms, sequins, faux rose petals, ribbon scraps, assorted buttons, metal photo corners, mini flower pot, embroidery floss, jingle bells, alphabet beads, metal scrapbook stickers, fabric scraps, and wooden scrapbook cutouts!
(some items not pictured)

Pretty cool, right?! And this is ALL thanks to YOU GUYS!
ONE winner will take both of these prizes!
If you are the winner, I would love to see what you make with these! You can send me a photo/tutorial and I'll make a featured post about it!

Use the Raffle Copter below to enter. You do not need to have a blog to enter.
(click through the jump to view)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If there is any trouble entering, please email me and I can enter for you.
The giveaway will end on April 10th. The winner will be chosen randomly and contacted shortly after.
Winner must have a U.S. shipping address.
Good luck to you all!