Feb 14, 2012


So I heard that Google Friend Connect is closing for Wordpress blogs! 
They've all worked hard (like all of us bloggers) to build up followers.

SO, who knows when they might shut down GFC for Blogger? I would hate to lose any followers,
so I've created multiple ways any ACC reader can follow!

Linky Followers
This has become popular among the Blogosphere! I've added a Linky Followers gadget in the side bar - I'd love if you would follow!

Check out my FB page here. I'm constantly adding new post updates and ideas!

Google +
Same as Facebook, I'll be adding new post updates here as well. I admit i'm still figuring it all out, but I'm sure
we'll all become pros soon enough.

I post almost all my tutorials on my Pinterest. It's a great way to follow tutorial updates!

I have a gadget in my sidebar that allows you to enter your email. Every time I post, the update appears
in your inbox!

You can find links to all of these in the right-hand sidebar.

I'd still love it if you'd follow via GFC, but it's nice to know there are several options.

Thanks so much for following!!!

inspire. create.